LDKS arrived, mamah mamah mamah mamah .....!!!!!
"I do not want to go, crazy signatures of 35 baru 4 that mandatory must be completed" yak today pulosari we left the village, the village which is not yet clear penampakanny aja .. gosh .....
Thursday 6 August 2009, early morning as usual I went to school escorted om joy (kakaku that crazy) when he got in school, I've not intention participate emang look different from other friends. wow another clay, take the bag until 2-4 bags! trouble amet. with a bag that contains a notebook (fleeting hope that day cepet aka home) I climbed the stairs located next to the toilet to get to the corner of my beloved class, while menghitungi number of stairs that morning I was whistling happily. from a distance looked my class so crowded, everyone is busy with his luggage.
I just looked fun - fun while listening to hyde singing, and there is also a sweet looking girl slanted eyes are laying the bag. turns out she joined LDKS, I'm so not feeling to see one group of friends that come my way and I did not. when three days before departure, I as the responsible group of our street. I provide the group sticks with soknya road and act like a tough leader who used to go camping and seemed like a namannya activities away from home.
but when that day comes .. I looked like a roaring lion who lost, the day then I always stay away from the girl. kuterlihat not like a spoiled child who is afraid to activities away from home, "actually I'm just scared of the name hiking. because there all going to be justified.
okay the bell rings, I can not wait to hear the announcement of events and then go home. mandarin language lessons and turned out what I got, yaks for forgiveness ... finally trickled out, like what my high school really is .. a miser would figure high school holidays, what can make! to capitalize a blank book I follow the game. first class and second ends, third and fourth stayed a few more minutes .. terbunyi a knock the door that turned out to older brother OSIS administrators who will provide counseling about LDKS, after penyuluha is over. we were made to march on the field according to the road group, nah lo .... I have really confused where and how, the gate guarded by the elder brother OSIS board. yes would not want me to row, at noon today that that's just me who was not wearing a special attribute LDKS. I actually had all been prepared, all at home. but my fear of throwing their waste, I'm embarrassed to be seen by the narrow .. I'm also not comfortable with my group, I finally decided to go out past the guard's brother OSIS reasons to take a bag in the car .. either fate or what, it turns out there is there are my parents. and they took all my equipment .. LDKS
gosh this made me more dizzy! would not want me to go, I marched directly participate while wearing an official attribute LDKS. 1 minute march quite tiring, after that we visited elder board to record student OSIS diseased. show my idea to participate in the data hoping that his name not met with hiking, I can have a black ribbon sign of acute disease. then we were directed toward a vehicle that will carry us, the division of vehicles adapted to kelompom road. wow .. time seemed to trip up, we all, take the bus, noisy + rame ... sd felt really! on the bus I sat alone in front just behind the mother STM, well to know how to anymore .. I do not know them and I really prefer to sit alone, as long as I enjoy a tedious journey with a pack of gum. then .. suddenly, she slanted to come and ask permission to sit next to me! I was terrified, because the seats are occupied by FW's sister who was asleep (if ga wrong) what it is not what .. perjalannan kekosonganku filled along with the question of questions, it was my first experience close to a girl ..
strange .. I was surprised surprised that more and more intrigued with this feeling, so after arriving in the village I do not even want to aim away from him .. baru kamu sipitku you are able to divert my world ..